Tuesday, November 22, 2011

43 hours and counting

We're now less than 48 hours from Thanksgiving dinner being served. I feel ridiculously behind, though I think most rational people would contest where I placed the word 'ridiculous' in that sentence. I think I may be getting a poor example from the food bloggers that I follow, because they're prepared almost to the minute for this single meal.

I now have an hourly schedule, and I bought a white board for my fridge to keep me on-schedule during the actual day. I have a grocery list that will be completed when I go to the store in an hour. I'm making cranberry sauce tonight, finishing the polishing, and trying to organize my ingredients in a reasonable way.

Two days ago my husband and I worked on setting up the dining room. This included adding the two leaves to the table, moving a bench in to serve as seating, and double-checking all of our serving bowls and platters. While I knew what I wanted my menu to look like, I hadn't checked if I actually had dishes to serve all of the courses in.

This was my dining room table decked out with basically every bowl and platter I could find in my cupboards. It's already quite a lot (though my cacti are in the middle there), but I found out I was one or two servers shot, especially for appetizers. Otherwise, things broke down like this -

Yes indeed, I did label my photograph of serving bowls, because otherwise there's about a 95% chance I would forget half of what I planned and have a few panicked moments before dinner.

As it is, I feel very nicely prepared to serve the meal. Now all I have to do is cook it!

- Cait

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